Book (International)

A01-2 Nagai Group

  • Nagai T, Horikawa K, Saito K, Matsuda T, “Genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators; expanded affinity range, color hue and compatibility with optogenetics”, Application of Genetically Encoded Indicators to Mammalian Central Nervous System, Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience), pp. 38-42, (2018). (Book Chapter)
  • Nagai T, Riani YD, “Optogenetic Control of the Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species for Photoinducible Protein Inactivation and Cell Ablation”, Optogenetics (the Royal Society of Chemistry) ,pp.117-135, (2019). (Book Chapter)
  • Hideaki Yoshimura, Takeaki Ozawa, Optical Control of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Activated in Living Cells”, Chapter 7 in Progress in Photon Science: Recent Advances (Springer Series in Chemical Physics), pp.129-138, Springer (2018). (Book Chapter)

A02-2 Komatsuzaki Group

  • *Komatsuzaki T “The Personality of Small Numbers: Do Molecules Have Personality?”, In Minorities and Small Numbers from Molecules to Organisms in Biology-Toward a New Understanding of Biological Phenomena (eds. Nagai T, Togashi Y) (Springer), 31-7, (2018). (Book Chapter)
  • *Kano H, Honda J, Sakamaki K, Matsuura K, Nakamura A, Sugiyama M, “Good arm identification via bandit feedback”, Machine Learning (Springer), 108, pages721–745(2019). (Book Chapter)

A03-1 Bannai Group

  • *Bannai H, Inoue T, Hirose M, Niwa F, Mikoshiba K “Synaptic function and neuropathological disease revealed by quantum-dot single particle tracking.” Chapter 7, In Single Molecule Microscopy in Neurobiology, Neuromethods, (eds. Yamamoto N, Okada Y), vol. 154, 131-56. (Springer Nature), (2020).
    (Book Chapter)
  • Takashima, A., Wolozin, B., & Buee, L. (2019). Tau Biology (A. Takashima, B. Wolozin, & L. Buee (Eds.); Vol. 1184). Springer Singapore.

A03-2 Horikawa Group

  • *Takemoto T, “Zygote Electroporation for CRISPR/Cas9 Delivery to Generate Genetically Modified Mice” in Electroporation Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology),” (Humana Press), (2020).
  • *Horikawa K, “How Low Can You Go? The Numbers of Cells That Make Up Bodies:Large Numbers and Small Numbers” In Minorities and Small Numbers from Molecules to Organisms in Biology-Toward a New Understanding of Biological Phenomena (eds. Nagai T, Togashi Y).(Springer), (2018). (Book Chapter)