Scientific Research on Innovative Areas “Singularity Biology” is looking for collaborative researches using AMATERAS ( A Multi-scale/modal Analytical Tool for Every Rare Activity in Singularity ), a trans-scope that enables sub-cellular-level spatial resolution imaging of centimeter-scale field of view in a single shot in less than 1 second.
1. What is AMATERAS?
For more information on AMATERAS, please see the following reference.

Ichimura T, Kakizuka T, Horikawa K, Seiriki K, Kasai A, Hashimoto H, Fujita K, Watanabe M.T, Nagai T
Trans-scale-scope to find rare cellular activity in sub-million cells
bioRχiv,, 2020
2. How to apply (applications accepted at any time)

- Please fill out the application form and submit it by email to the Secretariat ( at least one month before the desired date of use.
- After receiving the application form, we will contact you to discuss the feasibility of the joint research.
3. Usage charge
- There is no charge to use the AMATERAS Collaboration Center (Osaka University Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Institute, Division of Ultra-Dimensional Life Imaging).
- You need to prepare your own consumables and reagents for the experiment.
- There is no support for travel expenses to the AMATERAS Joint Research Center.
4. Restrictions and precautions for the experiment
- The experiments with recombinant organisms and BSL2 pathogens requires the application to Osaka University. It will take a longer time before the experiments are started.
- At the AMATERAS Collaborative Research Center, we are not allowed to conduct animal experiments or genetic modification experiments above P3.
- Users must conduct this joint research for their own academic research or to contribute to the development of academic research, and may not conduct joint research for any other purpose.
5. Presentation of academic conferences and papers
- When publishing the results of this joint research at a conference or in a paper, etc., please have a representative of this area (PI: Takeharu Nagai) and a member of this area’s joint research team as a co-author.
6. Disclaimers
- We will not be responsible for any accidents that may occur during an experiment at the AMATERAS Collaboration Center. Please check the conditions for workers’ compensation coverage by yourself and follow the procedures at your institution.
- If any facilities or equipment are lost or damaged during the experiment, report to the person in charge of using the facility or equipment immediately, and follow his or her instructions.
- If the facilities or equipment are lost or damaged due to intentional or gross negligence, you will be charged for the loss or damage.
7. Confidentiality and Intellectual Property
- You are requested to keep any related information disclosed in conjunction with this joint research confidential and not to disclose it to any third party.
- It is prohibited to take photographs or other such images in the AMATERAS Collaboration Center without the permission of the center’s staff.
- If any intellectual property is created as a result of this joint research, the content of the intellectual property will be disclosed to the area immediately, and its handling will be decided through consultation and agreement between the two parties.
8. Report
- After completion of the joint research, please submit a report. (Form being prepared)
9. Signing the Consent Form
- You will be asked to sign a consent form to agree to the above terms and conditions to conduct the joint research.
10. Others
- You may be asked to contribute to reports on activities in your area.
“Dancing Rat” (by Asako Sakai)