

Systems Science of Biological Dynamics database (SSBD:database) provides rich set of open resources for analyzing quantitative data and microscopy images of biological objects, such as single-molecule, cell, gene expression nuclei, etc. Quantitative biological data and microscopy images are collected from a variety of species, sources and methods. These include data obtained from both experiment and computational simulation.

In Singularity Biology project, SSBD:database will store and share image data and quantitative data related to the published papers by members, that include AMATERAS, the stete-of-art microscopy images and quantitative data for analysis of singularity phenomena.


Systems Science of Biological Dynamics repository (SSBD:repository) is an open data archive that stores and publishes bioimaging and biological quantitative datasets that are associated with published or to be published studies. It allows other researchers to access and download those datasets for reference or for further investigations.

In Singularity Biology project, SSBD:repository will store and share original image data sets and quantitative data related to the published or to be published papers by members, that include AMATERAS, the state-of-art microscopy images and quantitative data for further analysis of singularity phenomena.

(SSBD:database and SSBD:repository are developed and operated by A02-1 Shuichi Onami team.)